Finding the Right Fit: UNC Online MBA Scholarship Options for 2024

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a top-ranked public university known for its rigorous academics and real-world experience. Their online MBA program provides working professionals the opportunity to advance their careers with highly respected degrees from the comfort of their own homes. With affordable tuition and generous scholarship options, UNC is committed to making an outstanding business education accessible to all.

This guide will explore the different scholarship opportunities available for the UNC Online MBA program starting in 2024. 

The UNC Online MBA Program

The UNC Online MBA is a fully accredited online program sharing the same rigorous curriculum as the on-campus option. Students complete their degree through self-paced, asynchronous coursework completely online over 2 years. The flexible design allows working professionals to study on their schedules without putting their careers on hold.

Courses cover core business topics like accounting, finance, marketing, operations, and analytics, preparing students for management roles across all industries. A unique cohort model fosters collaboration and networking among peers. Experienced advisors provide one-on-one support throughout the program. Graduates earn the prestigious UNC MBA with the flexible advantage of online learning.

With an affordable cost of just $74,000, the UNC Online MBA is significantly cheaper than many competitor programs. Scholarships can reduce the overall price tag even further, making a top ten public MBA attainable for more applicants. Let’s explore the different scholarship options in detail.

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UNC Online MBA Continuous Scholarships

The primary way to receive scholarship funding for the UNC Online MBA is by applying for continuous scholarship awards. A wide variety of different scholarships are awarded a regular intervals to eligible applicants as long as funding remains available.

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Some key things to know about the continuous scholarships:

  • Eligibility: Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrate leadership, community involvement, and career potential. International students may be considered.
  • Award Amounts: Scholarship awards range from $2,000 to $12,000 per year and renew automatically as long as satisfactory academic progress is maintained.
  • Application Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round on a first-come, first-served basis until the annual funding runs out.
  • Selection Criteria: Academic records, references, essay responses, leadership experience, and career goals are all evaluated during the selection process.

Some examples of the continuous scholarships available include:

Dean’s Scholarship

The most prestigious award, the Dean’s Scholarship provides $12,000 per year. Few are granted based on exceptional academic merit and leadership potential.

Diversity Scholarship

Intended to promote inclusion, the diversity scholarship supports students who enhance diversity in the program through their experiences. Awards range from $4,000 to $8,000 annually.

Merit Scholarship

For academically talented applicants, merit scholarships of $6,000 to $10,000 per year are common. A strong GPA and references are key.

Professional Promise Scholarship

Recognizing career potential, this $4,000 to $8,000 scholarship emphasizes ambition, aspirations, and community involvement beyond academics alone.

By applying for multiple continuous scholarships simultaneously, students can potentially receive funding from several sources. Just be sure to tailor each application uniquely based on that award’s selection criteria.

Targeted Scholarship Programs

In addition to continuous awards, UNC offers select merit-based scholarship opportunities targeting specific student populations or career interests. These include:

Military & Veteran Scholarship

Active duty military members or veterans can receive up to $6,000 per year in scholarship support. An essay describing service experience is part of the application.

Energy & Sustainability Scholarship

A passion for the energy industry makes applicants competitive for this $4,000 annual award focusing on energy and sustainability career goals.

Health Care Management Scholarship

Students aiming for management roles in health administration have priority for this scholarship valued at $4,000 per year.

Diversity in Tech Scholarship

Underrepresented groups in technology fields may qualify for $6,000 per academic year through this partnership with a major tech company.

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These specialized programs have set deadlines, typically in April or May, rather than ongoing availability. Awards are limited so apply as early as the winter semester before your start date. Meeting the stated preferences enhances the chances of selection.

Additional External Funding Options

While internal UNC scholarships are most common, external sources can provide additional aid for the diligent applicant. Explore these potential options to stack funding:

Company Tuition Reimbursement

Many large employers offer tuition reimbursement benefits for approved degree programs. Check your organization’s education assistance policies and speak to your manager.

Graduate Student Loans

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans allow up to $20,500 annually for graduate study with flexible repayment options. Private student loans may be supplemented if needed.

Professional Associations

Industry groups like SHRM offer scholarships to student members pursuing HR-related master’s degrees. Do your research to uncover specialty awards.

Private Scholarship Databases

Scholarship searching sites like aggregate private scholarships from foundations, non-profits, and corporations. Filter searches to “MBA” or your specific career field.

Crowdfunding Campaigns

Some resourceful students organize social media donation drives to raise scholarship money from family, friends, and alumni networks. Creativity and passion go a long way!

The key is investigating all potential sources of outside funding early in the application process. Piece together the optimal aid package from a variety of programs to minimize loan reliance.

Application Timeline and Tips for Success

Now that you understand the different UNC Online MBA scholarship options, here’s a suggested timeline and best practices for the application process:

  • Fall: Research programs, qualifications, and deadlines throughout the fall semester before your intended start date.
  • Winter: Draft scholarship essays reflecting qualifications. Request letters of recommendation 4-6 weeks before deadlines from professional references.
  • February/March: Submit scholarship applications and all supporting documents 4-6 weeks before deadlines for individual programs. Follow instructions carefully.
  • April/May: Follow up if additional materials are needed. Stay organized with your submission schedule.
  • By Summer: Expect scholarship award notifications from June to August before the fall start semester.

Additional tips to boost your competitiveness include tailoring each essay specifically, emphasizing relevant experiences over academics if grades may be borderline, asking writers to highlight your fit for the program, and being detail-oriented in all aspects of the application. Persistence and early preparation are keys to successful scholarship pursuits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This section answers five common questions applicants have about UNC Online MBA scholarships:

What are the minimum GPA and career experience requirements?

Most UNC Online MBA scholarships require a minimum 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale. At least 2 years of post-undergraduate full-time work experience is also preferred, though exceptions may be made.

Are international students eligible for scholarships?

Yes, international students can qualify for select UNC Online MBA scholarships. The diversity and merit-based awards have supported international recipients in the past. Eligibility for Federal loans and external sources may be limited, however.

How do I request letters of recommendation?

Follow the specifics provided for each scholarship application. Typically request recommendations 4-6 weeks before deadlines from professional managers, mentors, or client references able to attest to your qualifications. Provide contextual details to help them focus letters on relevant contributions and fit.

Is it possible to receive multiple scholarships?

Absolutely. Students are permitted and encouraged to apply simultaneously for all continuous and targeted scholarships they qualify for. Layering awards is feasible to help maximize financial support. Just make sure each application distinctly highlights a different set of qualifications.

What if I need more funding than scholarships provide?

If scholarships do not fully cover tuition and living expenses, the UNC Online MBA program is designed to be affordable with alternative options like Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans available to bridge any gaps. Most graduates complete the degree with a debt load manageable compared to earnings potential.

Moving Your Career and Education Forward

The generous scholarship opportunities through UNC’s Online MBA program make earning a top-ranked degree from a public Ivy feasible for individuals from diverse backgrounds. Thoroughly researching all options shows the commitment that makes a favorable impression on award selection committees.

By strategically applying early and emphasizing different experiences in tailored applications to multiple programs, students maximize their eligibility for funding. With a little effort and discipline, the appropriate financial support is within reach to fuel your career ambitions through a UNC business education.

The potential long-term returns of increasing leadership skills, expanding professional networks, and advancing to new management roles far outweigh any short-term costs. Now is the time to get started on pursuing this investment in your future success. Take the first step by researching the UNC Online MBA program details, scholarship opportunities, and application process on the university’s website. Connect with an advisor to discuss how the flexible degree format fits within your career goals and responsibilities. With strategic planning and a dedicated work ethic, you can make this career-changing education financially obtainable. The rewards of earning a respected UNC master’s degree will pay dividends for many years to come.

About the author


Subchief is the chief administrator and lead developer of He has over 10 years of experience in web design, development and digital content strategy.

As the founder and content strategist of Subteller, Subchief oversees all aspects of content creation and website management. He works closely with freelance writers and editors to develop valuable, informative articles on topics related to immigration, careers, legal issues and more.

Subchief's technical expertise includes proficiency in HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript. He has deep knowledge of content management systems like WordPress and Drupal. Prior to launching Subteller, he worked as a senior web developer at Anthropic, where he helped design and build large-scale marketing websites for clients.

When he isn't coding or managing Subteller, Subchief enjoys spending time with his family, reading non-fiction books and staying up-to-date with new technologies. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the University of the People in CA, US.

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